Short: NewIcons for DOpus (v5.x). Update 3 (97/05/27) Author: (Dan Snis) Uploader: dannes canit se Type: pix/icon Version: 3 Replaces: pix/icon/DO_NIcons.lha Requires: NewIcons and DOpus5+ Architecture: generic Verion II.1, now includes a few icons for the new OpusMagellan and a bunch of new Icons. WHAT IS THIS? Have you NewIcons and Directory Opus v5.5? I got sick of the standard icons that comes with DOpus and I don't like MagicWB icons either. So I decided to make my own in the NewIcons standard format. I have used some graphics from other icon collections like ni4dock, AESicons and BeIcons as templates Installation: Simply replace the old icons with the new ones that you want to use. REMEMBER that if you have any Tooltypes or "Default Tool" settings in your old icons they will be erased. You can also drag the new icon to the information window of the old icon, that won't remove the tooltypes or the "Default tool" (I've been told that this isn't working with Magellan (opus v5.6), I sure would like to know why!) Greetings to: Team NewIcons (Todays developers of NI) Nicola Salmoria (Father of NewIcons (v.1 & v.2) Eric Sauvageau (Brainstorming, programming, documentation and artwork for NI3+) Phil Vedovatti (Brainstorming, programming, documentation and artwork for NI3+) Ariel Magnum (The new deficons.prefs file) Roger McVey (The icon artwork) Bernd Koesling (ni4dock) Jonathan Potter (Directory Opus) GPSoftware Enjoy! email: www: History: 97/05/27 Added Filetype Icons. This collection is almost complete, please give me suggestions on what to do next.