Short: 256 color pix from a fractal generator Architecture: generic "Lyapunovia Pics2" -AGA displays of the Juiciest Object in Mathematics. Copyright 1992-93 Jesper Juul "Lyapunovia Pics2" is a set of 256-color pictures produced by a fractal program for the Amiga called "Lyapunovia". If you haven't yet, do try out the unregistered & freely redistributable program on Fish Disk #784. Lyapunovia is a mindboggingly colorful program that makes pictures from a simple mathematical formula. (And it's NOT Mandelbrot!) The unregistered version is fully operational in every respect. The registered version also features: -Support for "big" CPUs, FPUs, and AGA graphics (ALL screenmodes). -A special "plot repeat" function. -Extended precision calculations. (Allowing you to zoom an amazing 10,000,000,000,000,000 times!) Soon-to-come features include 24-bit output and an animation mode. "Lyapunovia Pics2" are freely redistributable. AS LONG AS YOU INCLUDE THIS README FILE! Release date: April 4th, 1993. If you'd like to contact me, write: Jesper Juul Guldsmedgade 34, 1. DK-8000 Aarhus Denmark Or use E-Mail: