Short: To Oni by Jakub Husak Author: Jakub Husak Uploader: Tomasz Nidecki f78 n480 z2 fidonet org Type: mods/husak Architecture: generic This is one of Jakub's newest modules, released on Intel Outside 95 party in Warsaw, Poland. "To oni" means "It's them". This mod reminds me of a Russian war march :) (I hear strong influences from Laibach although I know Jakub doesn't listen to Laibach). It's a great shame that Jakub is slowly drifting away from the Amiga, due to the fact that his father got himself a PowerMac :( If you want to send fan mail to Jakub asking him not to give up on the Amiga, send it to my address, I'll compile it together and mail it to him or bring it to him in person :).