Short: EOT_LIQUID Script for IFX Author: (Randy Blymire) Uploader: casque blazenet net (Randy Blymire) Type: gfx/ifx Version: 0.2.1 Replaces: gfx/ifx/EOT_LIQUID.lha Architecture: generic Date: Dec. 20, 2003 This is an updated EOT script for the Liquid distort efffect and will allow the control and animation of all the Liquid effects options. A see-saw option has been added to the strength parameter in this version. This file will work with the ImageFX4: assign. To use with an earlier version you must change the 13th line of EOT_Liquid.ifx.pre to basepath='ImageFX:storage/eot_Liquid/'. To install, place EOT_LIQUID.ifx & EOT_LIQUID.ifx.pre into your IMAGEFX4:REXX/AUTOFX directory. The directory IMAGEFX4:storage/EOT_LIQUID needs to be created and the file default must be placed in it. It is in this directory that your custom settings will be save d for future use. Enjoy. Randy Blymire