Short: Great galaga style true color game for MorphOS (uses SDL) Author: Uploader: gabriele greco aruba it Type: game/shoot Version: 1.0 Architecture: ppc-morphos This is a straight port of the nice galaga style game Gammapatrol to MorphOS. I didn't ported it also for 68k/WOS for performance issues (it is certainly possible but a straight port will not have good performances). This game use SDL 1.2.3 (you don't need to download the SDL archive since the library is statically linked) Requirements: PPC card MorphOS 0.4 CyberGFX supported GFX card (the game runs in a 640x480 true color display) AHI PPC 32MB ram Info on the game and controls are in the included README. To learn more about this nice open source game go to the official website: Bye, Gabry ( /