Short: Lit files for ID maps Uploader: Christian Michael (christian michael groenjord dk) Type: game/data Requires: game/shoot/BlitzQuake_wos.lha or game/shoot/BlitzQuake_68k.lha Architecture: generic Lit files for ID maps (colored lights for BlitzQuake distribution of GLQuake) Collection of litfiles for ID maps (e1-e4 + dm1-dm6 + start,end) Unarchived size: 18 MB NOTE: only GLquake has support for lit files NOTE: litfiles are no use on Permedia2-based systems because the hardware does not support the required blendmodes. Usage: extract archive to id1/ (files will go in maps/ dir) To enable litfiles with GLquakeWOS/GLquake68k: Add the parameter -litfiles to the startup line Add the parameter -lm_RGB for best lightmap-quality Make sure that the console-variable r_litfiles is 1 litfiles are map-speciffic and are loaded automatically whenever there is a .lit matching the name of a .bsp