Short: 4 player othello with FMV intro! Author: Andrew Crowe Uploader: Andrew Crowe Type: game/2play Architecture: m68k-amigaos _______ #### J#######b_ #### J######### #### +### #### J###@P#### _ #### 7### #### __ J###1 I### ,###J###F0#####M#####1#### _####_ J########F ########F0#####M#####1#### j######K J########m I########FP####P^0###M'#### ###"'### J###@P####L0### ]###F #### 7### ####J###M####L J###1 J###Q0###_J###F #### 7### ####J###M####F J##########4########F #### 7### #### ###L_&ww J#########F ########F #### 7### #### `######K J#######@' `###M###F #### 7### #### `###@" ___ J###L +###L+### a#####w J###L 7###L7### d########_ mmmm J###L 7###L7### P^=mwwa_,J########## #### J###L 7###L7### ####F "####L######J###Lm##_ a###w_ 7###L7### _a###w_ J###F _J###Q######J######## d###### 7###L7### ####### w___ J###LaP" ####@####@J########LJ###"0##E7###L7### d#######E F "P**wJ###L J#### #### J###LJ###F0###m####7###L7### ###@,0### J __w^ ####x__####F #### J###LJ###F0########7###L7### ###K"0### *mwwQa____ _a*" 7########## #### J###LJ###F9##& aw_,7###L7### 0###M#### F ""PP* #Z ######### #### J###LJ###F ####### 7###L7### ####### / '"m__ 9#####@ #### J###LJ###F,_M###@~ 7###L7### `####@~ g "*w_ """ _ _______ " a,d__ ' "^m_ ,r" _g###P###mw _'""^^mwa__ / "*__ ,P ,##@"_a#####& p" ""**q___ J "w@ ]#&am######## _/ __gm###mm__ ""**mL___ _/" ""w__ M##########" ," _0#@MP""""9###w F ""P=ww___ ,*" ______"*w_ "@###@P" _/ J#" __wc "#K J ~"9*m *_ _aM _gm#######m_"*w_ ,' J# am#M" #K , "x _p" ,#@" "9#W "m__ / J# " #F F )L_*" #"__m# #L "g#_ X#__ __#F / _*_ J# @" j# ,' "9w__ "0##wwaaaaw##@" j _w4 "_ #_ _#F _/ "*._ "@M###@@" F ^ "w "#mw__ __g#M j" ___ "*w_ / 9, 9########P / _gMM####Mw_ 9m_ J _ """" _^ j#### J#######_ "*x_ " ` a" d###'_0#########K "9w__f "w / d##F_g############K }*__ *_ ,' J## J############### , "*w_ '_/ d#N#################L ' "Pw_ ,@u_ 0###################1 / "*._ a" c ]###################L , "*w_ / _ ################### ' 9m__ ,' ~_ `################# F "*c / "w `##############@ 7 ,' *, "##########@" , r v" _ ""PPP"" F `_ ,4 "x / ," )L J / _ ' L ," This pic was created "_ / p" "w j _P`_ using 'AsciiArtPro Studio' 9, " J" _f / 7 C , "w `_ ' _ ? / _ J "m_ This is probably the most original verision of the classic board game yet, because you can have upto 4 players at the same time! The rules are the same as othello, you have to get a line of the other players pieces betweem 2 of your own. Each player takes turns to place a piece, and when no one can go, the pieces are counted up and the player with the most wins. Each player can be human or computer, and can select to play as any one of 8 characters taken from FinalFantasyIIV using 'PSX-View'. It also has a small FMV intro. This game is suggestion-ware, which means that if you use this a lot you must send me a suggestion about how to finnish this off (like how story mode should work, if there should be any in game powerups etc.) then EMail (Advert) Have you got Webspace? If you want a cheap HomePage designed 110% on Amigas 110% for Amiga browsers then visit (or look anyway, its cool!)