Short: C++ wrapper classes for MUI Uploader: aminet aminet net Type: dev/mui Architecture: ppc-morphos Allows the use of MUI 3.8 through C++ classes. This has only been tested with the GCC compiler although it has been written so that it should compile with other compilers. Features: * Supports all attributes and methods of MUI 3.8 * Support for NList, NListview, and HTMLtext custom classes * Template classes supplied for List, Listview, NList, NListview * Methods and attributes can be inlined for efficiency or linked with a link library for faster compilation. * Ability to convert to and from BOOPSI objects * Extra support for List classes including AddHead, AddTail, InsertTop, InsertBottom, Length. * Numeric classes have coercion to ints and longs * Lists can be treated like arrays * Strings and Texts have coercion to char * * Includes ARexx macros for generating main header file and header files for custom classes from autodocs. * Includes documentation in guide format * Is completely free! ************************************************************ Wersja Testowa - przeróbki z MUIPLUSPLUS - Tomasz Kaczanowski Ewentualne uwagi: Uwaga Doc jest oryginalny, natomiast nazwy niektórych metod musiały ulec zmianie (za przyczyną lamersko zrobionych includów dla MOSa #define suxx) 04-09-2004 Dodłem Custom Clases 10-09-2004 Zebrane poprawki, które zauważył.między innymi inymi Sensei - thx :) wersja 2.0 08-10-2004 Poprawki błędów spowodowanych przez nadużywanie copy/paste