Short: Exec:Signal,PutMsg,Wait delayed Author: (Hans Buehler) Uploader: codex studi mathematik hu-berlin de (Hans Buehler) Type: dev/misc Version: 1.00 Architecture: m68k-amigaos ctimer.o 1.00 ------------- ctimer.o offers you functions similar to exec/Signal(), exec/PutMsg() and exec/Wait() except that they are "timed". That means that the PutMsg() or Signal() command will take part after a given time has passed by or that Wait() will wait for some signals only for a given time. These functions are useful for all operations that should be delayed or shouldn't block your process forever (as a Wait() to a signal that never appears ;^) You can do the following: Inform sub-process to do anything after 10s: ctimerPutMsg(Port,Msg,"timer",your_value * 10); etc. Contents -------- LIB/ctimer.o - object compiled using SAS/C INCLUDE/ctimer.h - include HELP/ - amigaguide ctimer.readme - this file Installation ------------ See the appropiate chapter in the guide. Restrictions & copyrights ------------------------- Feel free to use & copy as long as you keep the archive unchanged and as long as you note in your docs that you used this archive. Further infos see guide. Hans Buehler - reports, flames and msgs always welcome.