Short: Clown Script Interpreter (SDL) Author: Bl0ckeduser Software, Morphos port by Fabrizio "Lanch" Bartoloni Uploader: lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni) Type: dev/lang Version: 0.4.0 Architecture: ppc-morphos 19-02-2012 ============================ SDL_Clown Script Interpreter ============================ The use of SDL_clown is exhaustively explained in the file "Manual", however, here is a quick overview: SDL_clown is a script interpreter experiment by young noob programmer. It is written in C, has somewhat C-like syntax, and can do the following: - Arithmetic - Assignment - Built-in functions (sqrt/sin/cos/tan/floor) - Control flow (if and while) - Drawing colored rectangles - Expressions - Frame rate control - Floating-point variables - Floating-point variable arrays - Floating-point variable input - Interactive mode - Mouse coordinates - On-the-fly variable creation (without declaration) - Output of text mixed with expression or variable values - Parentheses - Program arguments - Relational operators - Shebang SDL_clown *cannot* do the following important things: - Custom functions / procedures / subroutines - Operator precedence (proper order of operations) - String variables and operations SDL_clown was not written by a programmer with great knowledge of proper compiler design methods: I wrote much of it in complete ignorance of stacks, grammars, etc. In many parts of the source, rather than using existing efficient algorithms and approaches (which I didn't know), I tried to "reinvent the wheel" and improvised. SDL_clown works by compiling scripts to bytecode and by running this bytecode in a custom-made register-based VM. -- Bl0ckeduser