Short: MagicSNs PowerPC ASM Tutorial Author: Uploader: MagicSN Birdland es bawue de Type: dev/asm Architecture: ppc-warpup This document is a sideproduct of my ongoing work about the PowerPC Version of my rtgmaster.library. It is a Amigaguide Tutorial of how to do PowerPC Assembler. It is mainly intended for 68k ASM Coders who want to learn PowerPC Assembler. Well, Tutorial is too much said, it mainly explains the PPC ASM Commands. You could for example start with it to convert the speed-intensive parts of your 64k Intro to PPC Assembler. You only had to convert about 10% of your code, usually !!! The rest stays 68k... The Tutorial bases on the StormPowerASM Assembler from Haage&Partner, which means that it uses the PowerOpen Standard, which means that it uses WarpOS from Haage&Partner. If you use ppc.library, you should read the documentation VERY CAREFULLY, as not everything of the docs will also apply to ppc.library (in fact a lot of stuff will be totally different...) This is a small Update which fixes a small bug in the last document (concerning the handling of the Borrow/Carry Bit by the PPC, which is different from like the 68k handles things...).