Short: Online mailserver for points/nodes, version 1.3 Author: (Roelof Jansen) Uploader: bart xecho xs4all nl (Bart Schraa) Type: comm/xeno Architecture: m68k-amigaos "Mail Daemon" (MD) is an online mail server aimed for use by your points and/or nodes. You can show waiting mail, up and download mail and edit/pause mail and file areas via netmail messages to XAreaFix. MD is the successor of "CheckOutboundMail" aka "XOMC" which was released earlier for Xenolink. MD closely communicates with XAreaFix and makes use of its' configuration files. To use the AreaFix part in MD, you MUST install and configure XAreaFix first! Features: - Display waiting mail. - Upload & download mail. - Delete unwanted mail packet(s). - Add, remove, pause or resume mail & file areas for an address. - Fully GUI & menu driven. - Surveyor mode for Sysop. - Utility to convert Points- & Nodes.config from XOMC to MD format. - Number of points, nodes and tagnames are memory limited only. - Use of memory pools.