Short: (B)GUI front-end for NapsaTerm V1.3 Author: Jilles Tjoelker Uploader: M Tjoelker mpn cp philips com (Menno Tjoelker) Type: comm/tcp Requires: bgui.library V37+, NapsaTerm Architecture: m68k-amigaos NapsaTerm is a nice program, but it can't be started from Workbench or put in ToolManager docks without fixing it on one host. This is a solution. It opens a window where you can select a host and then starts NapsaTerm with it. You can also choose between RLogin (-D NET) and Telnet (-D TELNET) services. With RLogin you do not have to type in your user name, but it is not supported/allowed everywhere. There is no direct proxy support (i.e. select an address outside the Intranet in the GUI and not the proxy) - I would have to write a new RLogin/TelNet client for that :-( Select_Host requires a file called 'hostnames' in PROGDIR: containing the hostnames together with protocols and port numbers. Source in AmigaE included. Explanation of gadgets: * Select an item in the List gadget. You can also use the arrow keys. A double click on an entry or RETURN starts a session. * Change the hostname in the Name gadget. After RETURN: If host/type/port combination is not in the list, a requester will pop up asking you if you want to: a. start a session without adding the item to the list, or b. add the item and start a session, or c. change the name. If the item is already in the list a session will be started. * Type: you can select the type (prpotocol) of a session with this gadget. Possible are Telnet and RLogin. * Port: type the port number here. This is not possible when the session type is RLogin. If you leave this field empty, no port number will be passed to NapsaTerm. * OK: start the session * Cancel: quit without starting NapsaTerm Menus: * Edit hostnames: Edit the 'hostnames' file. The editor used is either the one indicated in environment variable $EDITOR, or ED. The editor will be started synchronously, and must not return before you have finished editing (CygnusED: use ED -s). The entries should have the following syntax: or (Telnet[:]) or (RLogin) The entries are case-sensitive! If syntax or the case is not correct the program will complain with a requester when you use the entry. * Start session: start session. Note that selecting "RLogin" or "Telnet" as a menu option starts the required session immediately (different from what the cycle gadget does). * Cancel: quit without starting NapsaTerm Changes (V1.3): * New gadgets for type and port number selection added. * Type/port information can be stored with hostnames (large inprovement). The the old Telnet/RLogin gadgets have been removed. * When you type in an unknown hostname, the requester has an extra choice: use the host without adding it to the list.