Short: Download images from PTP digital camera Author: Christophe GENRE Uploader: cgenre dev free fr (Christophe GENRE) Type: comm/misc Version: 2.1 Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 1.4.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PtpDigCam is a MUI based application allowing to download and delete images, videos and sounds from PTP compliant digital camera (Kodak, Canon, Sony, ...). Device current time can be read and set according to the camera standard PTP capabilities. At this time, PtpDigCam has been tested with severals digital camera models of the main vendors : Canon, Casio, Fuji, Kodak, Nikon, Sony Note: Only PTP standard commands are supported. Device also support vendor specific PTP commands which are not documented, so not supported by this program. IN ANY CASE YOU WILL USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO INSTALL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unarchive package with lha program : lha x PtpDigCam-MOS.lha Copy the program drawer or/and files anywhere. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- USAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PtpDigCam can be launched from Ambient or Shell. The user interface allows to : - Identify the currently connected device, - Know the current device number of images, videos and sounds, - Scan the camera contents, - Select among the thumbnails of camera objects - Select among the detailed list of camera objects, - Select a drawer to download objects, - Download selected objects from the camera, - Delete selected objects in the camera, - Read the device current time, - Set the device current time with computer one. Note: The program can only give information and perform actions according to the device model PTP standard capabilities. Refer to the program documentation for details about devices capabilities. With the "debug" version, a log file is filled by the program. This file must be sent with the user report for problem analyse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FOR THIS RELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main enhancement since V2.0: - Make three camera support levels (specific camera, standard supported vendor camera, unknown vendor camera) insteed of one specific definition for each camera model (too much work) - Remove useless START_UNTESTED_NO_WARN setting - Add progress bar for camera contents scanning - Add camera objects thumbnail processing with default image - Add register pages for thumbnails display and details list display - Move buttons into a bar - Complete buttons with images - Rewrite debug component to add dynamic settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUTURE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With given order as priority : - Correct user problems - Display images EXIF data - Download and display image, sound or video on a double-click action - Change this program into a Poseidon class -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author : Christophe GENRE at cgenre[DOT]dev[AT]free[DOT]fr