Short: DLG online util informs when port(s) free Uploader: leon mtu edu Type: comm/bbs/dlg Architecture: m68k-amigaos Will notify a user when another port has become free. Minor cosmetic changes and improved support for running under TpTShell or a menuscript... PortIsFree is designed to be run from a DLG Menu... It will ask the user for the name of a port to "watch" and it will inform the user when that port has become free. The intended "audience" is sysops with more than one slow modem and a limited number of fast modems... If a user with a high speed modem is forced to log into a slow line, he/she can use PortIsFree to receive notification when a high speed line is no longer in use... Enjoy... ______________________________________________________________________ | o__ ---- \\ABCD///Amiga BitSwap Central Dispatch - DLG BB/OS! | _.>/ _------- \\BBS// 16K8bps - 3 Lines! - Fido/UUCP(906)482-8248 |(_) \(_)Leon Shaner\\\// or |________[MTU - CTS] \\/ ...Non-Conformity is a virtue I hold dear...